Hot Stone Massage
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Hot Stone Massage
Water-treated stones are placed at specific sites to promote relaxation and to help open up the meridians. Essential oils are often used with this treatment.
Stones of all shapes and sizes and varying temperatures, ranging from zero to 130 degrees, are used during Heated Stone massage therapy to elicit physical healing, mental relaxation, and a spiritual connection to earth energy. Warm stones encourage the exchange of blood and lymph and provide soothing heat for deep-tissue work. Cold stones aid with inflammation, moving blood out of the area, and balancing energies. Stones are placed in varying positions on the body for energy balancing or may be used by the therapist for specific trigger-point work. The alternating heat and cold of thermotherapy brings the entire body into the healing process, with a rapid exchange of blood and oxygen and alternating rise and fall of respiration rate as the body seeks homeostasis.